How much do motorized blinds cost?

The cost of motorized blinds or shades depends on the type of motorization you opt for.

The most basic type of motorization involves moving blinds or shades with a wand instead of lift cords. With SoftTouch® Motorization, which is battery-powered, you move shades by gently pulling down or pushing up on the wand.

Smart shades—or completely automated shades—provide more functionality. You can conveniently control shades with a remote, app on your mobile device or even with your voice (and your favorite voice assistant). You can also schedule shades to move automatically, whenever you want them to.

Because motorized shades don’t have dangling cords, they’re safer in homes with children and pets. (The lack of cords also adds a sleek aesthetic to a window.)

Completely automated shades, like those with PowerView® Automation, also increase privacy because you can schedule shades to close whenever you want. In addition, you can enhance security by scheduling shades to adjust when you’re not there, giving your home a lived-in look.
